Book an Appointment
Book an Appointment
Please book with us through Acuity Scheduling. (There is also an app called “Acuity Scheduling Client” if you’d prefer to manage your appointments within that. You’ll need this business scheduling URL if you use the app: Although it’s not mandatory, we strongly suggest creating a profile/account so you can log in to manage appointments but also to avoid filling out the health questionnaire in its entirety over & over again. Join our waitlist if you’re having difficulty finding an appointment time that works for you.
Please also take a moment to read our cancellation policy below.
Cancellation Policy
A hotel rents rooms for the night & an airline sells seats for a flight. In essence, Laura & Amy rent their professional time and this is their livelihood. They will respect & hold your time as valuable and they simply ask the same in return. (Do unto others…) Laura & Amy do charge 50% of the service fee for appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the start time but 100% of the service fee for appointments cancelled within 8 hours of the start time & no-shows. By having systems in order through Acuity Scheduling—which send both email & text reminders to you 2 days prior to your appointment—they hope to avoid this ever happening. Inclement weather, illness, & emergencies are always exceptions.